
01 The Prophets Lesson I
02 The Prophets Lesson II The Man Hosea
03 The Prophets Lesson III Hosea Chapter One
04 The Prophets Lesson IV Idolatry in Israel
05 The Prophets Lesson V The Value of Truth
06 The Prophets Lesson VI – How God Works to Restore Backsliders
07 The Prophets Lesson VII – Prophecies in Hosea
08 The Prophets Lesson VIII – Israel’s Promised Blessings
09 The Prophets Lesson IX – The Jews Past Present and Future
10 The Prophets Lesson X Introduction to Joel
11 The Prophets Lesson XI – Joel Outlined
12 The Prophets Lesson XII – Joel Outlined II
13 The Prophets Lesson XIII – Joel Outlined III
14 The Prophets Lesson XIV-Great Prophecies in Joel
15 The Prophets Lesson XV – The Coming Great War
16 The Prophets Lesson XVI – Promises to Israel
17 The Prophets Lesson XVII – 01 Amos